TESTIMONIALS "Bradshaw Construction is one of the best tunneling companies I have worked with. The personnel are first in class with safety, tunneling knowledge and problem resolution. Their equipment looks well maintained and clean."
Bradshaw Construction Corporation’s number one core value is the safety of its employees. Therefore, it is our primary goal to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
Bradshaw Construction Corporation owns and operates an expansive fleet of heavy and underground construction equipment. The size of our fleet ensures every project is properly equipped and operating efficiently.
Throughout our years of tunneling, Bradshaw Construction Corporation has worked on many complicated, sophisticated, and cutting edge projects. Each of those projects led us to find innovative solutions to unique problems. We invite you to take an in-depth look at projects where you will see the problems we encountered and how we solved them. Click to view all projects...
CHALLENGING . . . INNOVATIVE . . . UNDERGROUND . . . making us Tunneling Specialists. Bradshaw Construction Corporation strives to apply the most appropriate tunneling technology to each project based on its purpose, subsurface conditions and surface restrictions. The company's management team is proud of its ability to construct any type of tunnel in any soil condition both above and below the water table. From small hand mined, wood-box and liner plate tunnels to large NATM shotcrete-lined tunnels; from small pilot tube guided auger bores to large rib-and-board shield and tunnel boring machine (TBM) tunnels; from conventional pipe jacking to slurry microtunneling (MTBM) to earth pressure balance (EPB) TBM tunnels; and from hand mined drill and blast to rock tunnel boring machines (TBMs), Bradshaw Construction has a solution.